
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Desperate Housewives 3.18 Spoilers

This episode will likely air April, 2007.

Victor is at the park holding some sort of debate versus the current mayor for his own mayoral campaign. In the middle of the debate something distracts Victor and then he asks someone that works for him to have Gabby put in his limo.

Lynette is at the pizzeria and she encounters a demanding customer. The guy complains about his food and Lynette becomes very upset. Jason comes to her rescue and assists with the customer. Later on Tom and Lynette are at the ER getting treatment for some minor injuries. The doctor asks what happened and they say it was due to some kinky sex.

Mr McClusky finally makes an appearance as he excitedly argues with his wife about some hooligans that work at some plant.

The ladies, except Bree, all play poker at Gabby's house while they admire Gabby's new handyman named Toby who is very attractive.