
Friday, July 06, 2007

Big Brother: WEEK 1

Actually I stand corrected, nominations have already happened in the Big Brother house and it seesm that Carol and Amber are on the block. The Power of Veto competition has not happened yet but it looks like the house guests are preparing for a POV game of over sized mini golf. There is no consensus on who's out the door yet. Both Amber and Carol seem to be well liked but Carol is a bit of a loner. The general feeling is they'd like to get one of the girls off the block and take out the replacement nominee. But this is all talk until they are forced to make a decision.

Update: Daniele will win the POV and elect not to use it. It appears that carol is out the door this week as Amber has solidified more friends. Things can change quickly so check back for any further updates.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Big Brother 8 Odds to Win

Big Brother 8 has just gotten underway and in a few days we'll know who the nominations are and POV holder is. I'll be back on Monday to update all the happenings but until then here are the opening odds for who is to win Big Brother 8 courtesy of and as always I'll provide my thoughts.

Eric -- 7/1
Jen -- 7/1
Jessica -- 8/1
Daniele -- 17/2
Mike -- 17/2
Carol -- 9/1
Zach -- 9/1
Dustin -- 10/1
Joe -- 10/1
Amber -- 11/1
Nick -- 11/1
Dick -- 12/1
Jameka -- 14/1
Kail -- 15/1

My take on these odds: I'm not so confident that "America's player" is going to go all the way. Eric is bound to make all sorts of erratic decisions and he seems a little on edge as it is. I think Eric will be lucky to make it to the half way point unless he forms a decent alliance. Or CBS might have some stuff up their sleeve to preserve their little "project" for a while. I don't think Danielle will fly under the radar at all so it will be tough for her to win. Conversely I don't think Dick is going to leave as soon as some people perceive. I see a lot of the enemy "couples" actually working together to pull some hi jinks. Obviously Kail won't be first out and she's either going to go super early or maintain a good alliance. The worker bee type usually makes it to the top 6 before they get the axe. I think Jen will be lucky to see August in the house so her odds are extremely optimistic. Jameka may be the underdog if she makes good alliances, she reminds me a little of a Danielle type player. My pick right now for the winner is probably one of those "alpha males". At this point there is little to discern between the 3 of them but my guess is Nick will be the best at playing both side and both males and females. So put my money down on Nick to win at 11-1.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Big Brother 8 Twists

Just a few more days until Big Brother 8 begins and we already know what the twist will be for this season. If you have not heard, the twist is similar to one done in season 5 and 6 where some contestants know each other. This year its people who have an "enemy" in the house. The other twist is that one person will be playing for America, they will be given money if they complete tasks that America votes on. One part of the twist that I can spoil for you is that its one of the enemy pairs has been revealed. Danielle and Dick are daughter and father. No word yet on why they are considered enemies. Check back later on in the week to get updates from the going ons in the house!