
Friday, September 01, 2006

Big Brother 7: Week 9

In the fastest epiosde of Big Brother ever last night there were two eliminations. Danielle was voted out in a unanimous vote and Janelle won HOH. Right away Janelle had to nominate two people and she chose George and Erika. There was the POV competition in the next segment and Erika just beat out Will in the first ever competition that it looked like Will was actually trying to win. Erika vetoed herself and Janelle had no choice but to put up Boogie in her place. Then they voted immediatly and George was evicted in a 2-0 vote. That was your week in one hour!

After the show, the new HOH competition was held and it was Boogie who won. On Friday Boogie chose to nominate Janelle and Erika. Pretty much Janelle needs to win veto if she has any hope of being saved. That is unless Will decides to keep Janelle. Once again Will has ALL the power in the house.

For the fifth time I beleive Janelle has won the power of veto. Now its between Will and Erika to work thier magic on Janelle since she gets to decide which one stays and which one goes. Erika is pitching that Janelle can't beat Will and she needs the money more than the doctor does. Will says that Erika never wanted Janelle there and Erika would never take her to the finals.

What I think is going to go down is that Janelle will evict Erika. Will will then throw the next HOH because he knows both Boogie and Janelle would take him. We'll see if I'm right come Tuesday when the next live eviction is.