
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Desperate Housewives 3.22 Spoilers

This episode will air May, 2007.

Susan is at the doctor with her man of choice after one of her many clumsy moments when the doctor gets a serious tome of voice. The doctor tells Susan that he's worried she might have Lymphoma but needs to run some more tests to be sure. (Its come to my attention that this could very well be Lynette instead.)

Susan and Gabby are apparently fighting over wedding dates and vendors. It seems that Susan let Gabby have her wedding date but then Gabby stole Susan's vendors.

Edie visits an elderly woman named Mrs. Sims at a retirement home who had been renting out her home to Mike Delfino. Since Mike is moving out, she agreed to let Carlos live at the home in his place. Edie apparently doesn't want Carlos living there as she lies to Mrs. Sims about Carlos having drug problems among other things. Later on Carlos gets kicked out of the house.

Lynette is at the pizzeria as she spots Tom talking to a guy who is introduced as Tom's old buddy named Scott. Tom asks Lynette to sit and have a chat with them. Later on Scott reveals some personal stories about his relationship with his wife and encourages Lynette to do so. After a little more talk Lynette realizes that Scott is trying to psychoanalyze her and she gets upset. Tom reveals that Scott is a marriage counsellor and only wants them to get get some help. Lynette isn't happy she was fooled and walks away.